Who We Are
Glazebrooke Public School is located in the heart of the Salem city within the Salem corporation limit at Nagaramalai Adivaram blessed with serene and lush greenery to offer the children a pleasant learning environment.
We believe that all our students are unique individuals, with equal potential to make a positive contribution to the school and society. Our goal is to instill an enthusiasm for lifelong learning and a sense of global awareness in each student, along with the necessary skills to prepare them for the challenges and changes which lie ahead.

Our Vision
Cater to the overall development of the children with special emphasis on their moral, physical and emotional growth.

Our Mission
To develop intellectual, humane & compassionate individuals, who will be prepared to face life with morality, courage and conviction always standing for what is right and worthy.
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Why Choose Us
- Glazebrooke Public School is a rapidly growing school, widely acknowledged for its warmth and welcome to both parents and students.
- Choosing the right school for your child is a difficult decision. The child centered high educational standards and caring learning environment makes our school the best choice for parents and students.
- Discipline and values in life are imbedded in the children through our value based education system. This is widely accepted by all parents of our school.
- Thanks for the overwhelming response from the public every year. Our existing parents are our ambassadors. We respect them and assure them our best.
Our Key Strengths
- Our curriculum provides the platform for learning which ensures continuity and progression, rigorous assessment and a strong focus on skills development and critical thinking
- Our close knit school activities allow all our students and staff to know one another
- The school welcomes and encourages parent involvement, we invite parents to get involved in school activities
- Class sizes are kept small to enable children the best opportunity to learn
- We constantly review new educational practices to guarantee the best learning experience for our students